Wednesday, April 29, 2009

When You Don't Want To...

Find a way so you do!

Yesterday I wasn't motivated to go to the gym, but I really wanted to walk Riley and take Mason to the school to play. I did both of those things AND I took a towel and an exercise band. I worked out while Mason played. I did chair dips from the bench on the picnic table, I did crunches, push-ups, and multiple exercises using the band. I finished up by running two laps around the school with Riley and Mason joined me on his scooter. We all walked home and each of us got to do what we wanted.

I'm really proud that I made it happen. It felt good to do something different and there was no pressure to do the full 30 minutes, or get through the complete circuit. I was doing something and that was enough. Having Riley with me and Mason on his scooter while I ran, made it fun. I felt like a good mom and I was taking care of me, too.


penny said...

That's awesome! And sounds like more fun than the gym too. That's what I love about the warmer weather. It's possible to get out of the gym rut and do something that's just more fun! I also find it easier get exercise that allows you to be social when not at the gym. Variety is truly best!

Kathy said...

Yes, the school was nice. I'm taking the wins day to day. Variety is good, but I also need "what works." I find that thing and that's what I want to do again and again. Unfortunately, i end up (sometimes) burning out. I'm going day to day, if I win, good. If not so good, tomorrow is a new day, another chance to succeed!Thanks for being with me.

penny said...

We all want to stick with "what works,"but aside from burnout, often your muscles get used to it too. It leads to kind of a plateau in fitness, if you know what I mean. Switching things up once in while keeps your body on its toes!

Kathy said...

You are so right about that. This whole weight loss strugle is all in my head, just the way wanting to do the same thing over and over because it "works" is. This is all clicking more and more and I feel like I'm actually getting it!