Monday, April 13, 2009

What The @#$%?!!!

Laughing! The title of this post describes my weekend with food to a tee! I hate to say that my monthly cycle has anything to do with logic or will power, but it does! And I think Dave tracks with my inability to control what goes in my mouth because he feels the need to buy pound cake, strawberries, Cool Whip, cookies, and more Easter candy than any one household needs! I know I'm throwing him under the bus a little, and maybe even exaggerating, too, but it's near impossible to stick to a "healthy eating program" (notice I didn't call it a diet?) with crap food everywhere! Dave also makes a note that there's nothing wrong with strawberries. Yeah! When that's all you eat is the berries!

I don't know about you, but once I've fallen, I don't get up. I stay down, eat a few more, hell, why not have a cocktail or two as well! I usually try not to drink alcohol because it impairs my judgement and I stray from my carrots and into the arms of carrot cake, but this time it was the other way around. The ice cream flavored Jelly Belly's sent me diving into the pool with a cranberry vodka! That of course led to eating a few Easter Reese's peanut butter cups and a handful of Hershey Kisses in bed. You know, the mini Reese's peanut butter cup is the perfect ratio of chocolate to peanut butter. Always go with the mini. So I'm left holding the foil wrappers and asking myself, "What the @#$%!!"

So today is Monday and I'm repenting. I'm feeling more in control though I'm not weighing myself until next week. You know this time of the month easily adds 15 lbs! Okay, maybe only 2, but it might as well be 15!

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