Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I Want My Cake And Eat It, Too!

Or pie, or cookies, or whatever else it is that Dave wants or Mason needs for the party at school. Here's a tip that has worked for me. If you don't want to throw food away, put it in the freezer. Cake, cookies, and pie all do well after a short stint in the freezer. When we have a party and have 1/2 a birthday cake left, I freeze 3 pieces (one for each of us), and then we can have one more piece on another day. This is so much better than eating it bite by bite until it's all gone.


penny said...

Also, if it's in the freezer, you can't see it! It's just so tempting when it's sitting there on the counter...

Kathy said...

So true! Keeping my environment healthy and low cal is so important! I'm down 6 lbs in two weeks and feeling really energized.