Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Good Food, Not Exercise!

I'm doing really well making good food choices, but now that the gloves are here, I'm so busy I'm not making time for the gym. I want to say I'll get back on track next week, but in reality it may not be until the first week in April. With that, I will make time to do sit-ups, push-up, and walk even if I can't get to the gym.


penny said...

Don't beat yourself up. Sometimes we have to get off the bandwagon for awhile, but that doesn't mean we fell off -especially if we have every intention of getting back on again. Do what you can and be okay with it. :) No worries. Deep breaths.

Kathy said...

Yes, I know you're right, and sometimes there is no choice (like being sick). Thanks for the breathing reminder, I need that more than anything when I get this busy! Have a great weekend Penny!