Friday, May 29, 2009

What Do You Know? I'm Not Crazy!

I saw the pain management doctor yesterday with regard to the episodes of back pain. We went through all the initial appointment formalities when he sat down and read my MRI results. He asked, "Did anyone go over these results with you?" Well, over the phone. They gave me the some of your nerve tissue is exposed... "You have a compression fracture in L1." He chimed in.

Well, okay then. Exactly what does that mean? I didn't need to ask, he could see the look on my face and went on to say that we could leave it alone as it seems to be healing, or we could be aggressive and do surgery. Surgery?! How the heck does someone who gets by really well for the most part need back surgery? He went on, in his calming doctor voice, that it's not necessarily the answer, it's just something to be informed about, and if this doesn't get better, it may be what's needed.

Well, I gotta say, that was a shot out of left field. I like his recommendation for aqua therapy, and for now, he's with Dr. D, no running. I'm gonna keep doing what I'm doing since it's working. I'll let you know what a surgeon thinks. I certainly know what I think! Surgery hurts, not just me, but the family members who have to take care of me. Uh, I'm thinking, "NO!"

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A Proud Report

Today I was talking to Lisa on the phone and the topic of our annual camping trip came up. She, like most of us, feels like she's not ready to don a swimsuit and feel good about it. I have to wonder if that day ever really comes. I mean, does any woman actually feel good in a swimsuit, thin or not? It's all about confidence and perception, your own!

I shared with Lisa that I've been working out and eating a healthy diet. Sadly, as I documented my weight yesterday morning, and realized that though the number is moving down, (174 from 179), it's only 5 lbs since 3/7/09. That's nearly 3 months, and only 5 lbs!

The good news is in my measurements. Overall, I've reduced by 7 1/2 inches! 1/2 off my bust, 1 off my waist, 2 off my tummy (the pooch), 1 off my hips, 2 off my thighs, 1 off my calves (lower leg, not baby cows!). Even if it's only 5 lbs, 7 1/2 inches my friends is good news!

It's not always about the number on the scale...uh-em, let me rephrase that, it's rarely about the number on the scale, it's about the big picture, and friends, my big picture is 7 1/2 inches smaller today!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy Memorial Day!

I'm off spending this day with my family. I hope you are, too!

Please take a moment and remember the many lives that have been sacrificed to allow us the freedoms we so dearly love. Also, the men and women who did not give their lives, come back from war forever changed. This in turn changes the families they love.

In loving memory of my dad, a VFW (WWII and the Korean War).

Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Power Of An Infomercial

It's been hard to not be able to exercise when I know every day that goes by sets me back two. I don't know if that's statistical, but it sure feels that way.

Here I am on Saturday night and I'm feeling fired up. As the boys were winding down and getting ready for bed, I came across the Slim In 6 ( infomercial. I paused and before I knew it, I was ready to buy it! Crazy because I already own it! Laughing! Better than that is now I am even more ready to get back into my routine.

The poison oak is now dry so I suspect working up a sweat is no longer an issue. I just keep telling myself that consistency is the key, it's not always how intense or how long your workout is, it's more important just that it is. Have a happy long weekend and watch an infomercial or two, who knows how it might change your life! Smiling!

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

SIdelined Again!

This week has been an up hill battle with severe poison oak! I finally had to go the the doctor yesterday as my family is ready to quarantine me.

I did some weeding in the backyard last Thursday and I was actually looking for po. I knew that with our spring rains and hot days, it was bound to be cropping up. I had long pants and long gloves on and as I pulled grasses of all kinds, I didn't see a stitch of po. Go figure! Saturday night, here I am with a bad patch on my right forearm. Sunday it was worse and Monday it blistered and wept like crazy. My thoughts were that that would be the worst of it and by Tuesday it would begin to dry up. Not so.

The doctor congratulated me and diagnosed me as "critically allergic" to po. When it gets this bad, it becomes viral and that's why these little patches are cropping up all over my body. I'm now getting po from the inside out! She gave me a shot in the rear and told me next time, if there is a next time, as soon as it starts to turn red, I have to go get a shot in the butt! She also told me to lay low for three days, no exercise, especially the sweat inducing kind and to let this heal.

So, since I've been on such a great roll, I am planning to walk Riley and do my isometric exercises so minimally, I keep exercise on my calendar and in the loop. The eating plan is still on track and going well. I was disappointed though that my blood pressure was higher than it's ever been. This is especially maddening because I gave up coffee on Mother's Day and have been eating really well and exercising. Dr. D attributed it to the severity of the po infection. We'll see, I hope it's not my unhealthy genetics rearing it's ugly head.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Some Things That Just Don't Make Sense

Every diet has a gimmick. Whether it's focus is protein, carbs, balance, or a large focus on one item, there are always some fruits and vegetables that are forbidden. Bananas have high sugar, corn is high sugar and high carbohydrate, and avocados are high in fat. It seems silly to me to restrict eating any food that all by itself could be a meal.

I know there is science in food and out biology as humans, but doesn't make sense that eating a banana for breakfast with your coffee is better than any other processed breakfast? The Sugar Buster diet says no. Too much sugar in the monkey food, and that will hang on to your belly fat.

I've found that it's time I listen to my inner voice and just eat good food in it's purest form. I don't like my vegetables seasoned with anything. No salt, butter, pepper, nothing! Steamed or grilled and then enjoy! Same same for fruit. I don't care for fruit cooked on a pizza, on a burger, even raw in a salad (unless it's fruit salad, and then again, plain, mixed, fresh fruit), or in pie. Okay, I can enjoy a piece of pie now and then, but I prefer my fruit fresh and raw. When it comes to pie, I tend to enjoy the flavor of the fruit as I eat the crust and leave the filling.

I declare today that I'm going with my instincts and I'm eating the fruits and veggies that I enjoy and I'm not going to worry about if corn, avocados, or bananas are touted as on the no-no list. If it's a one ingredient food, it's okay for me to eat! It's what my heart of hearts tells me is true, and that's eat good food, watch your portions, and exercise to expend more calories than you take it.

As a balancing thought, I also fell okay about cooked food, too. I don't like it cooked to death, but some things just need to be heated and/or cooked. I'm not a candidate for a completely raw food diet.

What are you thoughts on this?

Friday, May 15, 2009

It's Getting Easier

I'm finding that my body is feeling more fit. I'm sticking to my exercise and diet programs and it's getting easier! I know I'm not out of the woods, are we really ever? One day at a time, and building one small success on top of the other can only mean good things!

For today, Dave has a surprise for me. All I know is I'm to clear my calendar and dress for the top down. On the car! I'll let you know on Monday what the day had in store! Happy Friday!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Motherhood And Relaxation

I decided that I would do my youga dvd and have a soothing cup of tea before bed.

I'm trying to do my yoga dvd and Mason wants to do it with me. Okay..I'm laying on my matt, full body stretch and suddenly, wet at my feet...lots of wet. Mason put his drink down on my matt! I clean that up and get back to my dvd. I'm in my thrid good deep breath and the dog goes crazy barking outside. Mason gets up to "help" by screaming at the top of his lungs for the dog to come in (dog still braking wildly). AGH! I get up again, bark at the kid, yell at the dog, and finished my dvd, damn it!

The tea was lovely though.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Inches Are Down!

Hooray! This is just what I needed, I'm down over 3 inches overall after 2 weeks of journaling my food and exercising consistently. Imagine that! I know this is what needs to be done and it seems I finally have my head in the game.

This week I start with Ramp It Up everyday. It's a difficult workout, but I feel certain that the program will deliver the results it promises. I know I can do this. I can. I will! Slim in 6.

Friday, May 8, 2009

It Feels So Good...When I'm Done!

I'm working out every day, even when it's not convenient. It hurts because my muscles are sore and my back aches. I sound like I'm flipp'n 80 years old! Laughing! But the fact is, it's all true.

I'm going to keep doing the program because even though it's hard, and it hurts, it is getting easier, even if just a little. I also noticed today that when I pulled my jeans on, if felt like they came on a bit easier, and I can feel my middle tightening. It's good, really good!

Happy Friday! Have a wonderful weekend (Happy Mother's Day!) and I'm really seeing success this time! My head is more in the game than it's been in a l-o-n-g time! I'll see you Monday with more good news and a bright sunny outlook!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I Actually Made It To The Next Level!

I'm doing the BeachBody Slim in 6 program and though I've attempted it before, I never got to the second work out, Ramp It Up (48 minutes). It turned out when I was attempting to complete this program, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism, Mason was a baby, and Dave was deployed to Iraq, lots of stress. I tried to do that workout but just couldn't physically do it. Today I did, all 48 minutes of it. Even better is that I gave it a go a few days earlier than prescribed.

I wanted to do something different so I thought I would do some of it, and work up to completing it. I did it. And I'm going to do it again, for two more weeks when I will then be confronted with Burn It Up, a whopping 55 minutes of sheer, muscle burning hell! Laughing!

Monday, May 4, 2009

I'm Journaling

In all my decluttering, I came across a food and exercise journal that I bought a year ago. Instead of tossing it out, I'm using it! imagine that....laughing! I'm being facetious but only because I should have been using it all along!

I started back on my Slim in 6 program and I'm going back to the gym when Mason is in school. I'm sore as all get out, but I'm journaling for 30 days, but just like every challenge, one day at a time! Have a great week, I know I will!

Friday, May 1, 2009

I Get My Fiber From Smarties!

Well, not really the candy kind, but Fiber Choice tastes like a sweet little treat that's good for you.

For each tasty chewable tablet, you get 2 grams of fiber. For the most part, I make pretty healthy food choices. I really like vegetables, not salted or buttered, and fresh fruit. I struggle in my head with sugar and if I cut the sugar from my diet, I can't eat the fruit I love. As you also know, I love oatmeal and that's another great source of fiber.

I eat two Fiber Choice tablets a day. That gives me 4 grams of fiber, and a little treat at the same time. In my efforts to eat for health and exercise for longevity, more fiber, less salt and sugar can only serve me in the long run.