Balance. Keep on keeping on. Make good food choices. Keep the house free from crap food. If you're gonna deviate from the low cal food, make it worthwhile. And know that this this is a journey that has no destination. Every day is a new opportunity to succeed! Yes!
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
We're Home!
Balance. Keep on keeping on. Make good food choices. Keep the house free from crap food. If you're gonna deviate from the low cal food, make it worthwhile. And know that this this is a journey that has no destination. Every day is a new opportunity to succeed! Yes!
body image,
healthy eating,
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Welcome back! And by the way, cute suit!
That is funny how clothing makes it worse. Okay, let's all get naked! hahahaha
Funny Tania should mention that. I recently read about a nudist resort near where I live. They claim, "fun for the whole family!" Maybe you can convince your hubby to take the family there next time -or not... :)
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