Wednesday, July 1, 2009

I'm A Little Behind

This title makes me laugh! I wish I were a little behind, because I feel like I have a big one! Laughing! I crack myself up! Okay, I've been on the road since June 18th, so I'm feeling the pressure to keep up.

the good news is that with all this travel, I've not gained an ounce. I've not been keeping up with my exercise, but I've been active. That counts!

I also want to say thank you to Penny and Tania for chiming in even though I haven't been as diligent in my comments back. I'm having some difficulty working in the blog from my mobile device. I love that you're here with me and want you to know I appreciate you two!


penny said...

On the road since June 18th? I would never have known! Kudos to you for keeping up with the blog as much as you have -and for staying active while traveling! I, for one, hate road trips because I can't stand riding in a car for hours (nausea doesn't help either :P And traveling just makes me so tired! Funny how sitting for hours can do that to you, huh?

Tania said...

great job Kathy!

I went away for two days and ate ribs, chocolate, 2 beers, soda and birthday cake :-))heehee...yummy! I'll start again tomorow :-)