Friday, July 24, 2009

Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, It's Off To The Gym I Go!

The struggle continues to get the exercise I need. I've been to the gym twice this week and plan to go today. On Wednesday I ran on the treadmill and it felt so good! I have to be careful with my back, but in fact, I felt so good, it made me want to go back. My diet is great and my less pressure attitude is helping. Dave has been great, too! He's been working out and encouraging me, not pressuring me. It's a journey and I'm working on making it part of my life, not my liefs focus. It's Friday! I love Fridays. I'm off and running to the gym so I can enjoy this Friday evening with my boys! Happy weekend!


Anonymous said...

Why off ...???

Pain Management
Diet Menu

Kathy said...

The title of this post is from a Disney fairy tale, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. When the dwarfs leave each morning they sing, "Hi-Ho, Hi-Ho, It's off to work I go..." Off just refers to the launching of the action. "I'm off and running." Or "Hurry off to bed." It was just a play on words. Thanks for asking though, I'm glad you stopped in for a visit. K