Monday, September 7, 2009

10 Minutes

Build up to more time. Do some toning exercises while at work. To tighten your behind, stand with your feet apart, holding on to your desk for balance. Slowly lift one leg out two feet out to the side, squeeze your buns and slower lower it back down. Repeat and switch legs. To tone your arms, sit upright in your chair and press the palms of your hands together (like you're praying) in front of your chest, hold it for five slow breaths Relax and repeat four times.

It's a series of little actions that make the job easier and once it gets a little easier, you don't mind spending more time doing additional exercises. On Wednesday, 15 minutes!


Tania said...
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Tania said...

I'm officially on board now Kathy. I know I know, but it takes me a while to warm up to things LOL.

Made it through 20 minutes of the 40 minute step aerobics. Luckiy the body adjusts quickly and I should be up to the full amount within a week.
Looking foward to seeing some changes :-)

had a typo ;-)