Friday, November 14, 2008

As I Blow The Dust Off This Blog!

It's been far too long since I posted here. Frankly, the broken finger really set me back, but even as I write the words it feels like an excuse. Even with the pain and suffering, I could still have walked and stuck to a low calorie diet. I didn't.

I have started back into exercise and today I got a wake up call. I have been cleaning and trying to declutter my house. There is crap everywhere. I don't think of myself as a pack rat, but man, I seem to think I'm going to need every little piece of paper I come in contact with! Back to the subject, I came across a photo I had pulled out of an album and as I went to put it back, I saw the images of my best friend Julie and me looking thin, fit and healthy. The year was 1999. I was a comfortable size 8 and confident as ever. I want to turn back the clock!

Okay, I know that's not realistic, but if I did it then, I can do it now. Do I really need to be a size 8? Heck yeah! Why not? So I'm going to pull those pictures out of the book and put them where I can see them every day. I'm going to look ahead to this time next year when I'll be selling Zipperback Gloves ( on QVC or HSN. More than anything, I want to feel good. I want to sleep well at night, wake up without back pain, and feel eager to start my day. I want to feel on the outside like I feel on the inside.

I'll post some of those pictures from 1999 this weekend so you can see the "before." The me I feel like I was meant to be and still can be. Let me know what you think!

I tried to crop this pic with no luck. Dave looks great standing next to his lovely-chubby wife.

1 comment:

Kara Plank said...

It's as if I wrote this post-with the excuses and pack-rat trates...ugh! Now with Andy getting home this week, I am trying clean like a mad-woman, and lose at least 2 lbs. lol!