Thursday, August 28, 2008

I'm back on track!

Okay, I've worked out all this week and been on the healthy eating plan. If I can keep this up long enough that it's not so dang hard, I bet I can shed these pounds.

I weighed in at 177 on Monday which is high for me. I'll weigh in again this coming Monday and I'm sure I will have lost a few pounds.

I'm sore as all get-out from restarting my exercise! I've been hiking the trails (mountainous) around our neighborhood, doing my Slim in 6 DVD, and today I did 31 minutes on the treadmill. 10 of those minutes I ran.

I think part of what's inspiring me, or motivating me is seeing my success (the success of our family really, but I'm likely to be the person facing the media) coming and not wanting to feel like everything I have to wear makes me look fat. I want to feel confident and comfortable when I see myself on the Rachael Ray show or The Big Idea on CNBC. I'll keep you posted, but if I can just keep my eye on the prize, the feeling good part, I can take this all the way down to the weight I know I can be!

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