Monday, August 4, 2008

Food? Great! Exercise? Not So Great.

I seem to have found a rhythm that has me gravitating toward healthier foods. Being in a hotel for five days, I did pretty good, but now that we're home, I'm craving fresh fruit, salad, steamed veggies, and not so much of the sweet stuff.

I'm still failing miserably at getting by butt on the treadmill. I can see me doing it, I want to do it, and then I don't do it. It seems there is always something more important. I know there is nothing more important than my health and happiness, but getting errands run, or taking the call from the patent attorney, or taking Mason to a movie seem more important in the moment. I'll keep working on this because in all my years of weight up, weight down, I know I'll find my way back to my treadmill!

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